Below are sample letters of information and consent, prepared by CREO, for some of the main data collection methods used by CREO applicants.
As prospective research applicants, you are welcome to use any of these samples as a starting point to develop your project materials.
If you choose not to use these samples, please ensure that the letter(s) of information and consent included with your application include all of the required components for a letter of information and consent:
- Identify the project team
- Describe the project, including the purpose
- Provide participant inclusion criteria and number of participants
- Describe data collection methods and time required
- Describe risks and benefits
- Explain participant incentives, if any
- Provide details related to confidentiality, including how information will be recorded, transmitted and stored
- Explain details related to voluntariness of participation, including the right to withdraw
- Provide participants with an opportunity to ask questions
- Explicitly request consent, including separate consent for the use of direct quotes