CREO Community Forum 2013!


The Community Research Ethics Office is hosting a Community Forum!

Since the Office has been around now for about three years, it is time to report on its activities to the community.  Please join us for:

  • a delicious lunch,
  • a brief presentation of CREO’s history and activities,
  • and an opportunity for questions and discussions about ethics and the services CREO provides.


The Community Forum will be held on November 22, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, at

The Centre for Community Based Research located at 73 King Street West, Suite 300, Kitchener, Ontario.

There is no cost. Please email Natalie Forde to register before November 15th at, so

we know how many people are coming!

Click on the link to view the Community Forum Flyer! creo community forum 2013 flyer(1)