The development of the Community Research Ethics Office (CREO) was based on a community-identified need to support community-based research in the Waterloo region in Ontario.
Since 2011, CREO has been responding to the needs of community researchers across Canada. The primary goal of CREO has stayed the same – to provide researchers and evaluators with access to ethics reviews that meet the ethical standards of the TCPS2 while also honouring participatory research methodologies that advance the pursuit of social justice. These goals are typically met through community-based research projects, needs assessments, program evaluations, and other forms of participatory research.
We respond to requests from not-for-profits, foundations, governments, the private sector, and other institutions and individual researchers who work with community organizations and do not have access to institutionally based Research Ethics Boards. We adhere to the principles of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans TCPS 2 (2022) and follow its precepts in our work.

A brief timeline of CREO’s development:
CREO underwent significant growth and development as it began reviewing increasing numbers of ethics applications on an annual basis
CREO expanded beyond its narrow Board of Directors membership to create a pool of secondary reviewers to help respond to the growing demand for its services