The flowchart below depicts the steps involved with receiving research ethics approval from CREO. Review timelines vary depending on the complexity of the project and the extent of the review feedback process. Please plan for the review to take up to 6 weeks (possibly more).
Start with the Screening Form
Start the application process with the screening form. Within three days of submitting the screening form, you will receive an email from CREO. The email will go to the lead applicant noted in the form. If we can provide a review, and you can proceed without discussing the application with us, you will receive a new application form with a unique application number. Otherwise, you will receive information about next steps.
Important: As of May 2024, CREO has been using a new application form. Please note that you cannot submit an application using a previous version of a CREO application form.
Application Fee Structure
As the number of reviews we conduct continues to increase, we require additional administrative support to process applications and maintain appropriate records. We endeavor to provide and accessible and sustainable service to community organizations.
Fees will continue to be due upon completion of the review process. In all cases, we will not issue a new application number to organizations with outstanding payments due.
About the Ethics Review Application Form
Once your application is ready, a CREO representative will send you the Ethics Review Application Form.
It is 25 pages in length, with 11 sections:
- General Information
- Attachments (i.e., recruitment, information and consent materials)
- Project Summary
- Community Engagement
- Participant Recruitment and Selection
- Participant Consent, Privacy and Confidentiality
- Data Collection Methods
- Project Benefits
- Project Risks and Harms
- Data Security
- Confirmation and Signature